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Fondation Rosa Abreu De Grancher (Maison de Cuba), Cité internationale universitaire, Paris, France

The Rosa Abreu de Grancher Foundation was opened to house Cuban students in Paris. It was founded due to a donation by Pierre Sanchez Abreu and his sister Rosalia. The Foundation is named after their aunt, Rosa Abreu, of Cuban origin, and her late husband, French Professor Jacques-Joseph Grancher, who worked with Louis Pasteur on rabies vaccine. The project was inspired by the Cathedral of Havana to build an elegant Spanish colonial style building. Arch. Albert Laprade 1930-33.

Media-ID: 381568
Created in/on: 19 April 2015

Fred Romero from Paris, France / flickr / Wikimedia Commons

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This creative work has been published under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC-BY 2.0) license which allows copying, and redistribution as well as adaptation of the original work provided appropriate credit is given to the original author and the conditions of the license are met.

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Last updated on: 20/05/2022

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