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The Fiberline bridge, Kolding 1997

Scandinavia's first composite bridge - the Fiberline Bridge in Kolding, Denmark, was officially opened on 18 June, 1997. The new bridge, matching the strictest safety standards, has shown that GRP composites may represent the building material of the future for lightweight, maintenance-free bridges. The Fiberline pedestrian and cyclist bridge was the first of its kind to cross a railway line. The busy railway line restricted installation work to only a few hours during nights between Saturdays and Sundays, and after only 3 such nights in May and June, the bridge was ready. The short installation time has illustrated the clear advantages of composites. Technical specifications: Length, total 40 m Length, bridge section 1 27 m Length, bridge section 2 13 m Width, total 3,2 m Deck, total height 1.5 m Deck, inside height 1.2 m Tower, height 18.5 m Total weight 12 tonnes Designed load capacity 500 kg/m2 Designed vehicle weight capacity 5 tones Designed wheel pressure 1,8 tons Designed Maximum deflection L/200 13 cm Number of stays 8 http://www.fiberline.com/structures/profiles-and-decks-bridges/profiles-footbridges-and-cycle-bridges/case-stories-footbridge/fiberline-bridge-kolding

Media-ID: 369023
Created in/on: 24 April 2012
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Last updated on: 11/01/2022

More media of this structure

Denmark (1997)